In the classic anime Digimon Adventure, Taichi "Tai" Kamiya (Yagami) and War Greymon team up together. Showcasing WarGreymon, he is equipped with heavy armour and his "Dragon Killer." With an LED unit in the base, the cracks have a floating magma effect.
Standing in front of WarGreymon, Taichi holds the Digivice in his left hand. For the first time ever, Bandai Namco is bringing fans an official Digimon Adventure statue! Limited to just 688 pieces worldwide, you don't want to miss this piece!
Product Features:
- Materials: Polystone, polyurethane, Resin
- Built-in LED unit in the base
- Swappable left hand with Digivice that shows regular time (blue) and evolution time (orange)
Size: 19.7 x 17.35 x 18.12 inches (50cm x 44cm x 46cm)
United States ( CONTINENTAL USA ) | $TBD |
Canada / ALASKA / HAWAII | $TBD |
Australia / New Zealand | $TBD |
Europe | $TBD |
United Kingdom (England & Scotland) | $TBD |
South East Asia (MY, INDO, TH, PH, Korea, HK) | $TBD |
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